Command Line Interface

Usage: quevedo [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...

  Quevedo is a tool for managing datasets of images with compositional

  This includes file management, annotation of data, and neural network
  training and use.

  The -D, -N and -P flags are global, and affect all commands used afterwards.
  -N and -P are exclusive. For example, to run a full experiment for neural
  network 'one', run:

      quevedo -D path/to/dataset -N one split -p 80 prepare train test

  -D, --dataset PATH   Path to the dataset to use, by default use current
  -N, --network TEXT   Neural network configuration to use.
  -P, --pipeline TEXT  Pipeline configuration to use.
  --version            Show the version and exit.
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  add_images  Import images from external directories into the dataset.
  config      Edit dataset configuration.
  create      Create and initialize a Quevedo dataset.
  extract     Extract graphemes from annotated logograms.
  generate    Generate artificial logograms from existing graphemes.
  info        Get general status information about a dataset.
  migrate     Upgrades a dataset config and data to the latest version.
  predict     Get predictions for an image using a trained neural network...
  prepare     Create the files needed for training and using this network.
  run_script  Run a data processing script on dataset objects.
  split       Assign annotations randomly to different folds.
  test        Compute evaluation metrics for a trained neural network or...
  train       Train the neural network.
  web         Run a web interface to the dataset.


Usage: quevedo config [OPTIONS]

  Edit dataset configuration.

  This command is a simple convenience to launch an editor open at the
  configuration file (config.toml).

  -e, --editor TEXT  Editor to use instead of the automatically detected one
  --help             Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo info [OPTIONS]

  Get general status information about a dataset.

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo create [OPTIONS]

  Create and initialize a Quevedo dataset.

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo add_images [OPTIONS]

  Import images from external directories into the dataset.

  For now, images need to be in the PNG format, and have 3 channels (color)
  and 8 bit depth.

  -i, --image_dir PATH     Directory from which to import images.  [required]
  -g, --grapheme-set TEXT  Import the images to this grapheme set.
  -l, --logogram-set TEXT  Import the images to this logogram set.
  -m, --merge              Merge new images with existing ones, if any.
  -r, --replace            Replace old images with new ones, if any.
  --sort-numeric           Sort images ids by filename (numeric).
  --sort-alphabetic        Sort images ids by filename (alphabetic).
  --no-sort                Don't sort images to import.  [default]
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo split [OPTIONS]

  Assign annotations randomly to different folds.

  By default, the annotations will be split into a number of folds configured
  in the dataset configuration file, starting from 0. To override this, use
  the `-s` and `-e` option to change the range of values for the folds.  This
  can be used to ensure some particular subset of annotations is always
  assigned to some fold, for example one that will always be used for train or

  Which folds are to be used for training and which for testing can be
  configured in the dataset configuration file.

  If neither `-g` nor `-l` are used, all annotations in the dataset will be
  split, and if the special value "_ALL_" for either grapheme or logogram sets
  is given, all sets for the chosen target will be split. In the cases before,
  annotations will be assigned randomly, so no proportions of
  graphemes/logograms/sets can be guaranteed for any fold. If the same fold
  proportions in each set are desired, run the command once for each of them.

  -g, --grapheme-set TEXT   Grapheme set(s) to split.
  -l, --logogram-set TEXT   Logogram set(s) to split.
  -s, --start-fold INTEGER  Minimum number to use for the folds.
  -e, --end-fold INTEGER    Maximum number to use for the folds.
  --seed INTEGER            A seed for the random split algorithm.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo extract [OPTIONS]

  Extract graphemes from annotated logograms.

  This command takes all the logograms in the given subset, extracts the
  graphemes annotated in each of them, and stores them as independent
  annotations (carrying over the relevant information) in the chosen grapheme

  -f, --from TEXT  Logogram subset from which to extract graphemes.
  -t, --to TEXT    Grapheme subset where to place extracted graphemes.
  -m, --merge      Merge new graphemes with existing ones, if any.
  -r, --replace    Replace old graphemes with new ones, if any.
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo generate [OPTIONS]

  Generate artificial logograms from existing graphemes.

  This command creates new logograms in the chosen subset by randomly
  combining graphemes together. The generation process can be somewhat
  controlled in the configuration file.

  Since the goal of this process is to perform data augmentation for training,
  only graphemes in "train" folds will be used. Generated logograms will have
  the first fold use for training set as their fold.

  -f, --from TEXT  Grapheme subset to use
  -t, --to TEXT    Logogram subset where to place generated logograms.
  -m, --merge      Merge new logograms with existing ones, if any.
  -r, --replace    Replace old logograms with new ones, if any.
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo prepare [OPTIONS]

  Create the files needed for training and using this network.

  The training files, net configuration, and mapping from dataset tags to net
  classes are stored in a directory named after the chosen net (-N flag) under
  the `networks` path.

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo train [OPTIONS]

  Train the neural network.

  The training configuration and files must have been created by running the
  command `prepare`.  The weights obtained after training are stored in the
  network directory:

  -c, --resume / --no-resume  Start training with existing weights from a
                              previous run
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo predict [OPTIONS]

  Get predictions for an image using a trained neural network or pipeline.

  -i, --image PATH  Image to predict  [required]
  --help            Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo test [OPTIONS]

  Compute evaluation metrics for a trained neural network or pipeline.

  By default annotations in test folds (see train/test split) are used.
  Accuracy is computed, and also separate accuracies for detection and
  classification. The full predictions can be printed into a csv for further
  analysis with statistics software.

  -p, --print / --no-print        Show results in the command line
  --results-json / --no-results-json
                                  Print results into a `results.json` file in
                                  the network directory
  --predictions-csv / --no-predictions-csv
                                  Print all predictions into a
                                  `predictions.csv` file in the network
  --on-train                      Test the network on the train set instead of
                                  the test one
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo web [OPTIONS]

  Run a web interface to the dataset.

  The web application launched can be used to browse and manage the dataset
  files. Annotation pages are provided for both graphemes and logograms to
  allow visual annotation of objects. Very basic user management is also
  provided. Configuration can be written under the `web` key of the dataset

  -h, --host TEXT
  -p, --port TEXT
  -m, --mount-path TEXT     Mount path for the web application
  --browser / --no-browser  Launch browser with the web app
  -l, --language [en|es]    Language for the UI (default from config file)
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo run_script [OPTIONS] [EXTRA_ARGS]...

  Run a data processing script on dataset objects.

  The script should be in the 'scripts' directory of the dataset, and have a
  "process" method which will be called by Quevedo on each grapheme or
  logogram in the selected subsets. If it has an "init" method, it will be
  called once and firstmost with the dataset and any extra arguments that have
  been passed to this command.

  -s, --scriptname TEXT    Name of the script to run, without path or
                           extension  [required]
  -g, --grapheme-set TEXT  Process graphemes from these sets
  -l, --logogram-set TEXT  Process logograms from these sets
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


Usage: quevedo migrate [OPTIONS]

  Upgrades a dataset config and data to the latest version.

  DANGER! This will change your annotations. Please have a backup of your data
  in case something goes wrong.

  --help  Show this message and exit.